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AGRICULTURE SCIENCE I (1 unit of credit) ½ unit of Science and ½ unit of Practical Art when completed with Ag Science II the subsequent year.  

A course designed for instruction in animal science, agricultural mechanics, career exploration, leadership and personal development, and supervised agricultural experience. Units may include agribusiness, natural resources, and food science. Agriculture encompasses the food, fiber, conservation and natural resource systems, employing over 20% of the nation’s workforce. An understanding of careers, leadership, and basic principles in the animal industry provides a sound background for the agricultural industry.  Students have the opportunity to join FFA.

AGRICULTURE SCIENCE II (1 unit of credit) ½ unit of Science and ½ unit of Practical Arts when completed with Ag Science I.  Prerequisite: Agriculture Science I 

A course designed for instruction in plant and crop science, soils, entomology, horticulture, and forestry, and additional instruction in agricultural mechanics, career development, leadership, and supervised agricultural experience. Agriculture encompasses the food, fiber, conservation and natural resource systems, employing over 20% of the nation’s workforce. An understanding of the careers, leadership, and basic principles in the agriculture plant and food industry provides a sound background to pursue an agricultural career.  Students have the opportunity to join FFA.

ADVANCED ANIMAL SCIENCE (1 unit of credit) 

Prerequisite:  Ag Science I and II 

This class will help students understand the importance of animal production, management, marketing, nutrition, breeding, selection, animal health, waste management, biotechnology.  In addition, the importance of keeping production records will be emphasized.  Students have the opportunity to join FFA.

GREENHOUSE OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT (formerly Horticulture I/II) (1 unit of credit) 

Prerequisite: Ag Science I and II 

This course develops a basic understanding of greenhouse techniques. The production of greenhouse crops will be used to demonstrate procedures such as plants started from cuttings, seeds, grafts, and layering. Students will manage their own crop as a greenhouse project. Agriculture encompasses the food, fiber, conservation and natural resource systems, employing over 20% of the nation’s workforce. Cutting, seeding, grafting, layering, and management of a greenhouse provide entry level and entrepreneurial opportunities for students with an interest in horticulture. Students have the opportunity to join FFA.


Prerequisite: Ag Science I and II 

This course will enable students to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills to demonstrate positive leadership for agriculture. Areas of focus include public speaking, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking, written communication, meeting people, good first impressions, personal goals, team work, team/organizational goals, organizing groups to take action and evaluation of team/organizational actions. 

Agriculture encompasses the food, fiber, conservation and natural resource systems, employing over 20% of the nation’s workforce. Leadership and communication skills are required for individual success in all agricultural careers, and the agriculture industry needs spokespersons and leaders to represent it in an increasingly urban population.

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